Nothing Stays As It Is

At Anicha Consultancy, we believe in creating a meaningful total human hospitality experience. Our name, “Anicha,” reflects this philosophy in its totality as Anicha means: nothing stays as it is. In today’s ever-evolving business landscape, it is crucial to adapt and enhance your offerings to constantly enable delivering this meaningful experience, to everyone involved.

We do this through the vision of providing every human involved to connect to their sparkle, and provide them with a platform within this journey to shine to their best extend.

Resulting in identifying and leveraging the elements that can make the good even better, ultimately optimizing the Total Human Hospitality Experience.

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When was the last time you took your business
on a journey?

To be able to deliver you – and your team – again and again a meaningful experience Anicha Consultancy employs a pragmatic, hands-on, interactive, and strategic approach. We guide you through distinct stages, maintaining a mindful perspective at each step and ensuring the foundation is both scientifically as well as practically underpinned.

We follow the approach of a cyclical hospitality journey with a real check-in and check-out and follow carefully designed steps.

Our Transformative approach

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Assess your current position and identify the path to success. This is the stage in which we get to know each other and start with our research and the proposition.

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Take Off

Commence the analysis from both scientific as well as practical evidence. Diagnose through mindfully drawing conclusions as feedforward for the next steps.

Solve & Prioritize
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Solve & Prioritize


Design solutions based on the specific stakeholder needs and driven by the analysis and diagnosis performed. Prioritize implementation through tailor-made strategies resulting in value adding-building blocks.

Focus & Disseminate
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Focus & Disseminate


Test the effectiveness of strategies, focus on key areas, and disseminate insights gained. Finally, evaluate outcomes, to inform future endeavors and prepare to iterate as necessary.

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Revisit the initial assessment to evaluated achievements made throughout the collaborative journey. Reaffirm the path to success and plan for future projects.

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Try to be a rainbow in someone’s cloud

Maya Angelou